miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

behind the hyper -dystopia of the hypertext

I'm really excited working on new ideas about the phase 2. Finally I decided to make a video replying, in a way, the "The Machine is Us/ing us" and, thus, create a "dystopia of the hypertext" by focusing on the limitations and disfunctions of the hypertext/media revolution.

Following some of the ideas posted before in the brainstorming list, I think I'm going to do a story-line with everything I want to say (introduction-ideas-conclusion) and then translate that into images to make the video.

I've thought about doing this using "stickmen", because there are plenty of hilarious stickmen on youtube that may be useful!! Also, the idea of the stickmen might help people understand these concepts (which are difficult to translate into image-language) and, at the same time, it makes me easier to focus the story with a protagonist doing things (jumping, clicking, writing, thinking, being lost...). I guess I will have to post more in the blog regarding the ideas I want to express, but my main conclusion will go in this direction:

Re: Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

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